Daydream Center provides a variety of treatments to create harmony and balance throughout your whole being. Browse and learn about our offerings below.

You can find information on rates and pricing here. Locations and hours are listed here.

If you are in need of guidance or have questions about any treatments, contact Darcy here.


Massage Therapy

Therapeutic massage utilizes soothing strokes and specialty techniques with pressure varying to your body’s needs. This therapy works with muscles and connective tissue to release tension, relax and reduce stress, improve mobility and circulation, ease pain, and increase bodily awareness and presence. Refresh physically and mentally. Treatments are never forced, and your body is deeply listened to.

Craniosacral Therapy

Using light touch and gentle holds, craniosacral therapy (CST) is used to regulate the nervous system by improving the flow of nourishing cerebrospinal fluid and balancing the structures surrounding the brain, spinal cord, and nerves throughout the body. Light movement and myofascial release techniques are often incorporated into a session. The effects of CST can feel both subtle and profound. This therapy is performed fully clothed – please wear light and comfortable clothing.

CST can help improve symptoms of anxiety and depression, TMJ disorder, brain fog, relieve and prevent migraines, assist in recovery from injuries and concussions, release tension and reduce pain. If you are pregnant, this therapy can help align the body for ease of pregnancy and delivery. CST returns your body to a state of rest and relaxation, resetting your nervous system to a baseline that increases your capacity to handle the challenges of daily life. If you find yourself tense and on edge frequently, this treatment could be beneficial for you.

Lymphatic Drainage Treatment

Manual lymphatic drainage massage (MLD) uses gentle, rhythmic movements to collect excess fluid, toxins, and pathogens in the body and moves them through the lymphatic system to be filtered and removed. The lymphatic system is your body’s form of waste management; when it’s working efficiently all processes of the body benefit.

Lymphatic drainage treatments help reduce swelling and puffiness, boost immunity, manage fibromyalgia, regulate digestion, improve chronic fatigue, reduce pain and inflammation, and can provide relief from migraines and brain fog. Feelings of stagnancy can be linked to sluggish lymphatics. Stimulating your lymphatic system with MLD is one of the best ways you can provide detoxification for your body and support your health.

Flower Essence Therapy

Flower essences are herbal infusions that address emotional, spiritual, and mind-body health challenges. This form of energy medicine helps increase self-awareness, release emotional blockages and break behavioral patterns. Flower essences work not by suppressing negative experiences, but by introducing and enhancing a positive correlating quality. For instance, if a person struggles with conflict-prone or hostile relationships, calendula flower essence may be given to cultivate warm communication and receptivity. Difficulties with a scattered mind and lack of focus can be remedied with madia flower essence, allowing concentration on what is most important to you. Emotions can often manifest as physical symptoms, like digestive issues or rosacea for example, that can also resolve once our energetic state is balanced.

Consultations are performed in-person where we will discuss your current challenges. After our conversation, I will create a customized flower essence blend to support you in your specific situation. 30 minutes are reserved for the consultation and your flower essence blend will be available within 7 days for pickup at Daydream Center or can be shipped to you for a small fee.

Flower essences must be taken as directed to be effective, results are cumulative. The blend created for you provides a 1 month supply and is available to be reordered.

Lomilomi Bodywork

Traditional style lomilomi is a unique form of massage and bodywork handed down by Hawaiian healers for generations. Lomilomi uses long flowing strokes and rhythmic movements combined with stretching, joint mobilization, and deep compression to relieve discomfort and open up the body to healing. This traditional bodywork is highly intuitive – it can feel relaxing at times and invigorating at others, but is always loving and nurturing.

Nominated Appointments

In an effort to keep holistic healthcare accessible and encourage a culture of healing, Daydream Center offers a limited number of free treatments to the community.

Caring for ourselves often slips into the position of lowest priority. Many people in need of body care don’t pursue it, if they even think of it at all. A bodywork session can help us relax, get out of a rut, repair our body, and realign ourselves. If someone comes to mind for you, please send in a nomination. While nominating loved ones is encouraged, self-nominations are accepted.

Each month, one application is chosen and the nominated person is contacted to schedule an appointment free of charge. Applications are chosen based on answers to the supplied questionnaire. Priority is given to those experiencing financial hardship.