
Massage Therapy

Craniosacral Therapy

Lymphatic Drainage Treatment

Lomilomi Bodywork

60 minutes: $98
90 minutes: $135

Flower Essence Therapy

Consultation + Custom Blend: $98

Darcy is available to travel within the Twin Cities metro area for treatments in your own home. If you’d like an in-home appointment, contact Darcy here.

Referral Program

If you refer a friend or loved one and they follow through with a treatment, they receive 10% off their first appointment and you receive 10% off your next appointment.

Nominated Appointments

In an effort to keep holistic healthcare accessible and encourage a culture of healing, Daydream Center offers a limited number of free treatments to the community.

Caring for ourselves often slips into the position of lowest priority. Many people in need of body care don’t pursue it, if they even think of it at all. A bodywork session can help us relax, get out of a rut, repair our body, and realign ourselves. If someone comes to mind for you, please send in a nomination. While nominating loved ones is encouraged, self-nominations are accepted.

Each month, one application is chosen and the nominated person is contacted to schedule an appointment free of charge. Applications are chosen based on answers to the supplied questionnaire. Priority is given to those experiencing financial hardship.